MUSINGS??? Really??? What is a musing you ask...well the best I can tell it is a very old word for thoughts, meditation,and the sharing of knowledge, besides it just sounds cool!! So that is the name I came up with for our new blog. Now you ask WHY??? well after lots of emails, face book postings and discussions I have been asked and asked again to have some way after the closing the shop that we could share different things and a blog is a wonderful tool for doing just that. So here we go with the first posting. I hope as we go forward you will share with us and share us with your friends so they can help out with this adventure too....so come on aboard and be a part of our musings!
First order of business...please share any of your favorite blogs, websites or face book pages that promote a small business that you love...lets start a list and support these guys all that we can...ready set....share in the comments below....
Look at you.....I can see your not going to be lazing around in your retirement.
Love this blog, you did a great job with it Dana.
Ok, my blog is justcountrync.blogspot.com, we are in NC and deal in primitives, have been doing this for about 15 years. Stop in and see us, either on the internet or in person!
Here at Crockett's Country Store you will find furniture, gift, wedding, bedding, rugs, curtains, basket, candle, decor, linens, bath, baby,
wallpaper, and pictures to decorate your home in the country and primitive decor. We have also added a COMPLETE Military Surplus line for the men, along with complete line of camping, for the campers and hunters in your family.
If we don't have what your looking for in your decor, or in your camping or hunting supplies, let us know and we will get it for you.
In our furniture lines, its all 100% wood, handmade right here in the USA. From tables and chairs, jelly cupboards to country hutches, we carry your complete line of furniture for your country or prim home decorating needs. In our gift line, you will find everything for wedding, baby, graduation, or that special occasion. Our biggest line are linens for every
room in your home. From country ruffle curtains to place mats, we stock the newest patterns available. Whether its for your bath or dining room, from valances to shower curtains,towels and wash cloths, we supply complete lines to fit your decorating needs. We carry complete lines of rugs from braided to designer matching the decor for each room. From oval to runners, to stair treads, we stock a complete line.
If you are looking for The Country House, we have everything in home decor to make it Colonial, Primitive and Country.
Dana, I look forward to following your life after retail. Your website was so creative. I'm sure you will continue on with your blog. Enjoy!!
Dana, your blog is adorable! Love it!
It all looks great Dana...and leave it to you to be the generous one and letting us share our sites through you! Thank you for that, and....enjoy that retirement!
My blog can be visited at www.saltboxfarm.blogspot.com
I love the colors, so warm and inviting, just like you!!! Best of luck in your 'retirement'....does a shopkeeper really ever retire???? LOL Keep up the great work with redecorating, 'gramdma'ing', and helping other shopkeepers like me in your spare time! Folks may visit my country shop at www.brownandhopkins.com and follow the link to FB where we update our page daily! Hugs!!
Thanks girls! I appreciate you taking a part, I want to spotlight each and everyone of you in the near future I know my customers / followers will love your unique small business and what you have to offer.
I love your new blog and look forward to seeing more posts. As a shopowner I know the day will come that I too will be a a "retired shopkeeper" For now though I enjoy having a primitive shop in Texas.My blog :www.gatheringsforthehome.blogspot.com
The best of best to you in your adventures to come.
thanks for the invite to comment here for business Dana! Very kind of you. Shopping can be done with us here: www.farmhouse-primitives.com, updates can be found on blog here: http://farmhouseprimitives.blogspot.com and facebook here: www.facebook.com/farmhouseprimitives.1 I'm looking forward to enjoying your new blog! You do so good with these types of things I know it will always have fun and interesting new things. ENJOY RETIREMENT......big hug, Pammie
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